Episode Title:
Episode Description:
Grogar tasks Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis with retrieving a magic bell that was taken from him long ago and hidden at the top of Mount Everhoof, but warns them that they must work together to accomplish the task. Scoffing at Cozy's plan to team up, Chrysalis and Tirek move ahead separately. However, Cozy fails to talk her way past a guard in an avalanche zone while Chrysalis is unable to fly up the mountain due to the high winds. That evening, they argue with each other and Tirek – who has already recognized the futility of climbing the mountain alone – but also begin to get along over their shared hatred of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. They reach the peak by working together and Tirek temporarily borrows Chrysalis's magic to open a force field protecting the bell so that Cozy can get it out. Despite their success, they spurn the possibility of becoming friends and decide to hide the bell from Grogar, intending to use it to eventually betray him.