Episode Title:
Marks and Recreation.
Episode Description:
The Cutie Mark Crusaders open a day camp where "blank flank" foals may try new activities and discover their special talents. Rumble, the younger brother of Wonderbolt Thunderlane, refuses to participate and reveals his desire to remain a blank flank, as he is convinced that cutie marks limit ponies to only performing their talents. He quickly rallies the other campers to his side, splitting off into a new camp where they avoid doing anything that would produce a cutie mark, which quickly bores the campers. The Crusaders learn from Thunderlane that Rumble does not fear being labeled, but rather getting a cutie mark that could potentially keep him from achieving his dream of becoming a Wonderbolt. The three invite Thunderlane to participate in the camp's activities with the campers and prove how he excels in other things besides flying, helping Rumble overcome his fear of trying different things.