Episode Title:
Horse Play.
Episode Description:
Twilight organizes a stage play honoring the anniversary of Princess Celestia's first raising of the sun. Learning that Celestia has never been in a play despite her love of theater, Twilight offers her the lead role, to Celestia's glee. As Rainbow Dash excitedly spreads the word of Celestia's involvement across Equestria, however, Twilight is mortified by Celestia's poor acting skills and fears that Celestia will humiliate herself in front of her subjects, but she keeps it to herself to avoid hurting Celestia's feelings. When the day of the play arrives and Celestia's performance has not improved, Twilight panics and unwittingly vents her frustrations with Celestia in front of her, causing Celestia to storm off. Twilight apologizes to Celestia for lying and admits she only intended to repay Celestia for her years of guidance. Celestia agrees to help Twilight salvage the play by directing the other actors from backstage, making it a success.