Episode Title:
Trade Ya!.
Episode Description:
The ponies attend the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange, splitting off into pairs. Fluttershy helps Rainbow Dash acquire a rare Daring Do book through a lengthy series of trades, culminating with an exchange with an orthros for the book, but requiring Fluttershy to help housetrain the creature for an extended period. Regretting her eagerness in the trade, Rainbow Dash nullifies the exchange and trades the orthros for a bird whistle, which she gives to Fluttershy. Meanwhile, Rarity and Applejack pool their goods to trade, but begin fighting over specific items they each want that would require trading away their entire stash. The two eventually get each other more affordable items similar to what they want. Finally, Pinkie Pie tries to help Twilight trade off old books by making them out to be more valuable than they are, when Twilight decides to keep the books for their treasured memories. At the end of the day, the girls happily recount their tales on their way back home.