Episode Title:
Rainbow Falls.
Episode Description:
Rainbow Dash leads the Ponyville team for a relay race to qualify for the Equestria Games. At the tryouts, she finds the Cloudsdale team is composed of the Wonderbolts Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Soarin, and begins to doubt her less skilled teammates. After Soarin crashes and injures his wing, Spitfire and Fleetfoot goad Rainbow Dash into filling in for him. Rainbow secretly splits practice between her friends and the Wonderbolts, but Twilight soon discovers Rainbow Dash's two-timing and urges her to choose a team. Rainbow Dash pretends to be injured to avoid making a decision, but learns while in the hospital that even though Soarin' has recovered, the Wonderbolts still want her as a replacement. Angered by their treatment of Soarin, Rainbow Dash reasserts her loyalty to Ponyville and rejoins her friends while also getting Soarin back on his old team. Rainbow Dash qualifies Ponyville for the games, and Spitfire respectfully gives her a Wonderbolt pin.