Episode Title:
School Raze (Part 2).
Episode Description:
At the School of Friendship, Cozy Glow, Tirek's protege, turns the student population against Neighsay, trapping him in his office and regaining control of the school. Sandbar frees the rest of the Young Six who free Neighsay and formulate a plan to remove the artifacts to shut down the magic-eating spell. Cozy Glow turns the other students against the Young Six by claiming that they are responsible for the disappearing magic. In the ensuing struggle, the Young Six get trapped in the spell's vortex but are rescued by the Tree of Harmony's magic. Removing the artifacts, the spell is shut down and magic everywhere is restored. Having escaped Tartarus by coercing Tirek's help, the Mane Six prevent Cozy Glow's escape and Twilight tries to explain to her that gaining power is not the purpose of friendship. A remorseful Neighsay returns control of the school to Twilight, having learned that non-ponies are equally capable of friendship. Now imprisoned in Tartarus, Cozy Glow asks Tirek if he wants to be friends with her.