Episode Title:
Sounds of Silence.
Episode Description:
On a friendship mission to the Peaks of Peril, Applejack and Fluttershy find a village inhabited by Kirin, who do not speak or show any emotion. A talkative outcast Kirin named Autumn Blaze explains to Applejack that an argument between Kirin once caused them to turn into angry, fiery creatures called Nirik and burn down their village. They bathed in a magic stream that cooled their emotions, but also silenced their voices; Autumn later found a flower that allowed her to speak again, but the village became irritated with her chatter and exiled her. Applejack and Fluttershy argue over the wisdom of giving the cure to the others, leading the Kirin to carry them toward the stream, but Autumn arrives as a Nirik to stop them. Reverting to Kirin form, she convinces the others that they can channel any anger they feel into non-destructive outlets. After a group of squirrels leads Applejack and Fluttershy to the flowers that Autumn used for the cure, the Kirin regain their voices and welcome Autumn back to the village.