Episode Title:
The Cart Before the Ponies.
Episode Description:
Ponyville holds its annual Applewood Derby, a kart race where the school children are to drive their own self-made vehicles with the help of older ponies. The Cutie Mark Crusaders enlist Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity to assist with their karts, but the mares get carried away in their excitement for the derby and completely ignore the different design ideas that the fillies want to try, and eventually take over as drivers. During the race, the mares crash into each other and destroy their karts in a pile-up. The Crusaders yell at Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash for ruining the derby, causing the three mares to apologize while also telling the fillies not to assume that their elders always know best. The mares help the fillies rebuild their karts the way they want, sitting out to let the Crusaders enjoy the derby.