Episode Title:
A Matter of Principals.
Episode Description:
The Cutie Map calls the Mane 6 to a mission far away from Ponyville. Twilight leaves Starlight Glimmer to run the school and do a scavenger hunt while they're gone. Discord appears and offers to help out, but Starlight refuses. A resentful Discord begins to unleash chaos on the school with Starlight trying to control each situation. She gets fed up with his antics, and banishes Discord from the school grounds with her magic. The scavenger hunt goes underway afterwards, but Discord, manifesting as a ghost, sabotages it. Starlight realizes what she did to Discord was wrong in turning down his offer to help, and apologizes to him. She unbanishes Discord and offers him the position of vice headmare. He accepts it and helps re-do the scavenger hunt. However, the Mane 6 return and Twilight reveals that Discord created a fake friendship mission to send them away, but thanks Starlight for helping run the school.