Episode Title:
Between Dark and Dawn.
Episode Description:
Invigorated by their fight against the Everfree Forest in "The Beginning of the End," Princesses Celestia and Luna start to take an active role in solving problems around Ponyville. They soon become a nuisance, though, and Twilight Sparkle persuades them to take a vacation and leave the Mane Six and Spike in charge of Equestria, the sun, and the moon for the duration. The group becomes overwhelmed with planning a royal ceremony until Twilight realizes the importance of delegating the work to experts so she and her friends can address more important issues. Meanwhile, tensions rise between Celestia and Luna over what sort of activities they should try, leading them to split up and take separate vacations. They eventually reconcile, admitting that they overreacted, and return to Canterlot to help Twilight move the sun and moon properly.