Episode Title:
The Beginning of the End - Part 2.
Episode Description:
King Sombra explains that his plan to reclaim the Crystal Empire was merely a ruse to trick the Mane Six into going after him there when in reality he took advantage of it to find and destroy the source of their powers. He traps them in the cave and moves on by claiming Ponyville, mind controlling all of its inhabitants and sending them all to lay siege on Canterlot. The six manage to escape and head their way to the kingdom, but are blocked by living plants from the Everfree Forest. Princesses Celestia and Luna arrive alongside Starswirl the Bearded to do their part in stopping it as the six ponies quickly head to Canterlot. Confronting Sombra, the ponies are unable to fight back without the elements. Discord appears and easily outdoes his magic attacks, but is fake injured by a full blast heading towards Fluttershy upon intercepting it. After a sentimental speech from Discord, the Mane Six come together saying they are embodiments that represent friendship and that can never be taken away. Following this, Sombra is defeated once more. The Princesses congratulate the ponies in their victory while Celestia apologizes for pushing their position too quickly onto them, stating that they will be ready when the time is right. Meanwhile, Grogar uses Sombra's defeat as a warning to the other villains to do things his way.