Episode Title:
She Talks to Angel.
Episode Description:
As Fluttershy becomes increasingly busy at Sweet Feather Sanctuary, Angel becomes annoyed over her lack of time to spend with him and begins causing disturbances among the animals. While dropping off a smoke-belching gecko — really a fire lizard — for Fluttershy to examine, Zecora takes note of her strained relationship with Angel and suggests helping them better understand each other's concerns. When the Fluttershy and Angel's feuding comes to a head, Zecora brews a potion that causes them to switch bodies; Angel (in Fluttershy's body) does a half-hearted job of looking after the animals, while Fluttershy (in Angel's body) is unable to tell anypony what has happened. Angel's lack of attention to the chores leads to chaos at the sanctuary, and Fluttershy exhausts herself seeking help. In order to revive her, Angel organizes the animals to retrieve a set of keys inhaled by a baby elephant who has in turn been swallowed whole by a python. Once Fluttershy regains consciousness, she and Angel reconcile and the potion wears off. Angel offers to assist her at the sanctuary, and she promises to make time for him.