Episode Title:
The Beginning of the End - Part 1.
Episode Description:
Twilight Sparkle and her friends are left in charge of Equestria after receiving news that Princesses Celestia and Luna are retiring. As a result, an overwhelmed Twilight is easily taken aback by this new task. Meanwhile, Equestria's original emperor, an ancient evil ram named Grogar, summons Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, Cozy Glow, and a resurrected King Sombra, proposing that they all work together to defeat the Mane Six and take over Equestria. Sombra, however, rejects Grogar’s offer and ventures out by himself to the Crystal Empire to reclaim it. Although he succeeds in this by enslaving every pony – including Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Flurry Heart – the Mane Six arrive and defeat him easily with their elements. Twilight and her friends venture back to the Tree of Harmony to return the elements, but Sombra suddenly appears and destroys the tree and elements.