Episode Title:
The Big Mac Question.
Episode Description:
Without telling each other, Big McIntosh and Sugar Belle have devised unorthodox methods to propose marriage, both of which involved a clue-note scavenger hunt: Big Mac prepares a load of apples with clues to lead Sugar Belle to Sweet Apple Acres, while Sugar Belle writes notes for Mrs. Cake to insert into a batch of desserts she is making for Big Mac (inspired by his Hearts and Hooves Day package from season 8). Mrs. Cake's baking-under-pressure with the Cutie Mark Crusaders soil the recipes, and both plans go awry after Spike and Discord get involved, with Discord mutating the apples horrendously so Sugar Belle will notice them—resulting in a giant monster that bellows Big Mac's proposal when Discord attempts to mend this—and Spike accidentally burning the already-soiled desserts to a crisp. After both sides discover that they have been working at cross purposes, Big Mac and Sugar Belle propose to one another in private and happily accept, taking inspiration from the love that Big Mac's parents had for each other. Their wedding is held in the orchards, with Spike, Discord, Mrs. Cake and the Crusaders reflecting on how their mistakes combined to give such a happy outcome (though Discord gets the last laugh when he has the mutated apples sing at the wedding).