Episode Title:
Student Counsel.
Episode Description:
Starlight Glimmer tries to spend the day with Trixie, but has to keep leaving in order to help students seeking her advice at the School of Friendship. She finally tires of the workload, sends the students home for spring break, and closes the campus so she and Trixie can attend a party at Maud Pie's cave. Silverstream's brother Terramar arrives with news that she never made it home to Mount Aris, and he and Starlight find notes indicating that she had been doing research on cockatrices. Terramar, Starlight, Trixie, Sunburst, Maud, and Mudbriar enter the Everfree Forest in search of Silverstream, but a flock of cockatrices gives chase and petrifies Mudbriar. As the group take shelter at the Castle of the Two Sisters, Starlight realizes that Silverstream must be at the crystal treehouse on its grounds. The group finds her there, safe and working on her research with the help of a cockatrice she has tamed and named Edith. She apologizes for not informing anyone of her plans, Mudbriar recovers from his petrifaction, and Starlight resolves not to let her professional responsibilities take over her life.