Episode Title:
Hearth's Warming Eve.
Episode Description:
Twilight and her friends are asked by Princess Celestia to be the principal actresses in a holiday pageant on the origins of Hearth's Warming Eve. The play shows that before Celestia's rule, the three races of ponies did not live in harmony. When a severe winter ruins most of the food, the three leaders and their assistants set off to find a new land untouched by winter. By chance, they all come to the same spot and the leaders start bickering again. The hostility feeds the ghostly Windegos, the creatures responsible for the winter, causing the land and the leaders to freeze over. The assistants find that they share a common bond and their friendship creates a great fire that vanquishes the Windegos and thaws out the land and their leaders. Putting their differences aside, the three tribes name the new land Equestria and work together to make it thrive.