Episode Title:
The Hearth's Warming Club.
Episode Description:
As the School of Friendship is about to go on winter break, a cloaked figure covers the Hearth's Warming Eve decorations in purple goo. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Spike chase the figure into the students' dormitory but do not see it leave, leading them to conclude that one of these six is responsible. The guilty party will have to stay over the break for extra friendship lessons; if none of them confesses, all of them will stay and miss the holidays. As the students begin cleaning up and Rainbow calls them in for questioning, they describe the way their respective cultures celebrate the holidays. None of them confesses, leading to accusations and arguments that eventually spur Gallus to admit that he pulled the prank; he wanted to stay on campus with his friends instead of going home to Griffonstone and its dreary celebration. Having overheard, Twilight thanks him for his honesty but says that he must still face punishment. The other students volunteer to stay with Gallus, and Twilight invites the entire group to celebrate Hearth's Warming with her and her friends.