Episode Title:
Somepony to Watch Over Me.
Episode Description:
Apple Bloom's family agrees that she is old enough to stay alone at the farm while the three of them go on various errands, including pie deliveries, across Equestria. Shortly after leaving, Applejack has second thoughts and returns home, her sudden appearance startling Apple Bloom into making an accidental mess. Believing Apple Bloom caused the mess on her own, Applejack remains home to incessantly surveil her and childproof the entire farm. Annoyed with Applejack's pampering, Apple Bloom gets Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to cover for her while she sneaks off and makes Applejack's pie deliveries for her to prove herself capable of being on her own. She encounters a hungry chimera in a swamp and does her best to protect herself and the pies until Applejack, upon discovering the ruse, arrives and rescues her. Surprised to see her sister managed to save the pies, Applejack stops babying Apple Bloom, and the two finish the delivery together.