Episode Title:
Viva Las Pegasus.
Episode Description:
The Cutie Map sends Applejack and Fluttershy to a popular Las Pegasus resort run by a generous pony named Gladmane. The two have trouble finding a friendship problem to solve until they encounter con artist brothers Flim and Flam in the middle of a feud. Fluttershy speculates that their mission is to help the brothers reconcile, but Applejack refuses out of her family's bitter history with the two. Searching for problems elsewhere, they discover that Gladmane has been starting arguments between his employees, including Flim and Flam, in a ploy to gain their trust and continued services at the resort. Applejack reluctantly helps end Flim and Flam's argument, realizing the brothers' conniving ways are necessary to stopping Gladmane, and the four devise an elaborate scheme that tricks Gladmane into publicly exposing his plans. Although the mission is a success, Flim and Flam promptly take over the establishment to resume their scamming business together.