Episode Title:
Hare We Go.
Episode Description:
In 1492 Christopher Columbus is arguing with the king of Spain whether the world is round or flat. Columbus suggests that the Earth is round like an apple or a human head. King Ferdinand insists the Earth is flat like a pancake (and Columbus' head, after flattening it with his scepter). Eventually the king kicks Columbus out of his palace. Then Bugs Bunny emerges from his rabbit hole and asks Columbus what's bothering him. Columbus says that no one believes his theory, but Bugs, after looking at Columbus' globe, says "She looks round to me, Doc." Queen Isabella of Castille speaks to Bugs and Columbus from a window, offering him her jewels if he can prove the world is round. Bugs tells Columbus that he can prove that the world is round. He takes out a baseball and glove and throws the ball “around the world.” When the ball returns to Spain, it is covered in travel stickers from all over the globe, proving Columbus’ claim...