Episode Title:
Bugs' Bonnets.
Episode Description:
At the beginning, the narrator explains how clothes strongly affect people's behavior. For an example, a typical businessman's suit is replaced with a pirate outfit, causing him to act like one ("Batten down the keelhaul! Kill the women and children first! Blood!! Gore!! Spit 'em on the tatters!"). The narrator then adds how sometimes one piece of clothing, like a hat, can change somebody's behavior. Elmer Fudd is next seen in "boring regular old fashioned everyday clothes," and have his bowler hat replaced with a hunter's cap, which makes him act like a hunter ("Bang! Bang! Bang! Come out of your holes, you cowardwy wabbits...and I'll bwow you to smitherweenies!!"). The scene then focuses on him chasing Bugs, wanting to see the color of Bugs' "spurting blood."...