Episode Title:
Pre-Hysterical Hare.
Episode Description:
The opening scene depicts Bugs and Elmer in the modern day, with Elmer's gun blasting at Bugs repeatedly. Bugs finally pauses long enough to tell the audience: "Someday, they'll outlaw this annual madness known as Rabbit Season." He hops over a stone dike, but either the ground on the other side is not firm enough to support him, or he lands with too much force. Bugs assumes that he has fallen into a cave possibly belonging to giant Native Americans. This assumption comes from a giant powder horn on the wall with odd writing on it (the writing briefly changes to English: reading "TIME CAPSULE — CIRCA 10,000 BC TO BE OPENED 1960 AD," then reverts to its original format as Bugs approaches it). Much to his surprise, when he opens it, a reel of film pops out. This he transports (off-camera) back to his hole and views through his own film projector. During the opening, a variety of clashes take place amidst the palm trees and other tropical surroundings, i.e. dinosaurs fighting each other (an inaccuracy) including a Brontosaurus chased by a Tyrannosaurus rex, a Mastodon and a Parasaurolophus, a sabre-toothed tiger and a Pteranodon and a Stegosaurus and an Allosaurus battling, before we are introduced to Elmer Fuddstone, who emerges from his cave and announces that he is hunting a sabre-toothed rabbit...