Episode Title:
Devil's Feud Cake.
Episode Description:
Beginning with footage from Hare Lift, Yosemite Sam robs the Last National Bank in town and erases the assets (leaving only 8 cents). The bank manager presses the button which sets off the alarm and alerts the police. Sam jumps into his car and drives off to the airport with plans to hijack a plane to another country, where the police will not find him. The airport happens to be having an aircraft surplus sale and Bugs Bunny is taking a look at the biggest airplane on the lot. Bugs gets into the cockpit and starts pretending to be a pilot. Sam boards the plane and, orders Bugs, at gunpoint, to take off. Before Bugs can protest that he is not a pilot, Sam threatens to blow his head off. Bugs finds the starter right away, and as the plane goes down the highway, Bugs makes the plane go straight up to avoid a collision with a skyscraper, and straight down to avoid a collision with the moon, causing Sam, at both times, to fall to the tail and the nose...