Episode Title:
Oily Hare.
Episode Description:
The production of oil in Texas has brought a few wealth-related changes: a road sign that is next to an oil field and along Highway $101.00, approximately 531 miles from Dallas, now "Dollar$ Texa$", and 20 miles from "Deepinahearta Texa$", is 12 inches away from "Deepinahola Texa$", and Bugs' rabbit hole, in the oil field. In his hole, Bugs sings a wealth-themed variation of "Home on the Range" with a banjo. A oil tycoon, who sounds, acts and looks like Yosemite Sam, is upset by Bugs' hole because, as a hole on his oil field, it is not producing any oil. He pulls up to the hole in a green stretch limousine that is so long it requires a long-distance telephone operator in the middle of the car to connect the tycoon to his chauffeur, Maverick, so he can tell Maverick (who does not have a speaking role, but communicates by nodding his head) to stop the car. The tycoon says: "Stop the car, Maverick! There's a hole on my property that ain't a-gushin' oil!" On the back door of the limousine, a crest is shown which carries the legend, "Orvil Rich—Texan". Maverick stops the car, pulls a motor scooter out from behind the driver's seat (a Western saddle) and rides the scooter back to Devil Rich Texan back door. After Maverick opens the door, Devil Rich Texan gets out and they both walk over to Bugs' hole. After Devil Rich Texan surveys the situation, he and Maverick build a derrick over the top of the hole. As they finish, Bugs comes up and asks "What's up doc?". Then Devil Rich Texan explains and tells Bugs to "git". Bugs tells him the hole is, in fact, his home and tells the tycoon to drill someplace else...