Episode Title:
Bugs Bunny Gets The Boid.
Episode Description:
The cartoon begins with a mother buzzard instructing her children to go out and catch something for dinner. Three take off like jets from an aircraft carrier. One stays behind, his back turned. This is Beaky Buzzard (Killer) who is shy, easily embarrassed, and a little on the slow side. Against his will, his mother kicks him out of the nest with instructions to at least catch a rabbit. Beaky spots Bugs Bunny and, after sneaking around some clouds 'stalking' his prey, soars down to catch him. Bugs makes like an air-traffic controller and "guides" Beaky down, purposely causing him to crash. Beaky then lands on the ground unable to move or speak. Bugs rises out of his hole and says his usual line, "What's up, doc?" Bugs asks Beaky what he is having, then Beaky grabs Bugs' shoulders and says, "I am going to eat Wabbits." Bugs agrees to come along as soon as he “tidies up” and heads back into his rabbit hole to have a shower. Beaky stares at the Fourth wall when he says the line, "I think he's-a-tricking me." Then Beaky pulls Bugs out of his rabbit hole. Bugs, (disguised as a girl) then pops out of his rabbit hole and says, "You naughty naughty boy." in a feminine voice. As a result, Beaky goes all gibberish and embarrassed with a red face going, "Oh no no, oh no." Bugs Then proceeds to whack Beaky's bottom with his towel, then as soon as Beaky reaches the ground, Bugs hides behind the rocks. Beaky comes looking for Bugs when he suddenly jumps out from behind the rocks and plays with his throat...