Episode Title:
Broom-Stick Bunny.
Episode Description:
It is Halloween night, and Witch Hazel is concocting a batch of witch's brew. As she goes about her business, she pauses at her magic mirror and asks it who is the ugliest one of all. The genie in the mirror replies that she, Witch Hazel, is the ugliest one of all. Hazel explains to the audience that she is "deathly afraid" of getting prettier as she grows older, a fear that she initially just laughs off. Meanwhile, Bugs Bunny is out trick-or-treating dressed as a witch, his face hidden by an ugly green mask. He calls on Witch Hazel, who, seeing his costume, mistakes him for an actual witch ("I don't remember seeing her at any of the union meetings."). After making a comment about Bugs' appearance ("Isn't she the ugliest thing?"), she dashes to her magic mirror and asks it a second time who is the ugliest one of all. The genie in the mirror looks towards Bugs, also thinks that he is a witch and replies that he actually finds Bugs far uglier...