Episode Title:
Person To Bunny.
Episode Description:
In his Hollywood home, Bugs Bunny is being interviewed on the TV show People to People with Cedric R. Burrows (a spoof of the Edward R. Murrow series, Person to Person). As Bugs is interviewed, Daffy Duck shows up. Seeing that Bugs is being interviewed, Daffy plans to get in on the action, but Bugs doesn't want any interference and puts Daffy out. Burrows then asks how Bugs has outsmarted Elmer Fudd over the years and Bugs answers that Fudd is far from clever and notoriously stupid. Elmer is watching the program at home and upon hearing Bugs' remarks about him ("his I.Q. is P.U.!"), he gets furious and plans to come to the interview. Elmer comes over and Bugs stops the interview to settle with Elmer while Daffy sings a Ted Lewis song to Mr. Burrows. Elmer gives Bugs a chance to apologize for calling him stupid or get shot, but it backfires when Bugs puts a carrot in the gun. Elmer puts his rifle through a crack in the door and Bugs tricks Daffy into thinking it is a TV camera. Elmer shoots Daffy, leaving him with a bent beak and feathers missing...