Episode Title:
Lumber Jack-Rabbit.
Episode Description:
A narrator recalls the character Paul Bunyan and his exploits, and states that many people still question the giant's existence. The narrator then advises the viewer to ask "a certain rabbit" whether the giant is real. Just then Bugs Bunny comes walking by, toting a bindle and singing "Jimmy Crack Corn". Bugs comments on the "funny-looking trees" he passes, oblivious to the fact that they are abnormally large asparagus, and to the fact that he has entered a rather large vegetable garden. He then finds an oversized carrot and lies next to it for a nap, seemingly taking the carrot to be a boulder. Bugs quickly sits up and states that he smells carrots. Turning his attention to the supposed boulder against which he's propped, he scratches some of it onto his finger and tastes it. He ecstatically comes to the conclusion that he has discovered a "carrot mine"; and he starts to dig frantically through the carrot. On the other end of the garden, Paul Bunyan leaves his log cabin, accompanied by his dog, Smidgen (a gag in itself, as the word is a measurement for a small amount). Paul checks the time by pulling a grandfather clock from his shirt picket. He then instructs the dog to watch over the vegetables until he returns that night, and leaves by stepping over the mountains...