Episode Title:
A Star Is Bored.
Episode Description:
The opening frame depicts the exterior of Bugs' dressing room, inside which he is talking to the journalist, Lolly (a reference to the nickname of Hollywood columnist Louella Parsons). Outside, we see Daffy sweeping the floor, complaining about the job he got. Fed up, Daffy decides to be a movie star. Daffy then marches into the casting director's (possibly Jack L. Warner) office just as he is on the phone with another executive discussing the difficulty in finding anyone "STUPID ENOUGH" to be Bugs' stunt double for his next picture. Daffy of course takes the job! After a visit to the Make-Up Department, Daffy gets his first taste of on-the-set film action shortly thereafter (a Western co-starring Yosemite Sam). Initially, Daffy is extremely excited to be finally in any motion picture ("I could be sent to prison for the scenes I'm gonna steal!", he snickers). He takes Bugs' place in a rabbit costume and holding a carrot, and stands next to Sam. Daffy gets the worst of it instead of Bugs!...