Episode Title:
Get Whale Soon.
Episode Description:
Russell happily sits in his boat, humming and holding a harpoon. As he looks through his telescope, he realizes he's floating in the open mouth of a giant whale. Having no time to react, Russell gets eaten, plunging him into darkness. Inside the whale with darkness surrounding him, Russell lights a match to light up his surroundings. He finds a road raged Lumpy sitting in his car and honking his horn, unaware that he is in a whale's stomach. Lumpy turns on his car's headlights and they both see that they have no way out. Russell, however, gets an idea. They bundle some sticks together and Russell pulls out a box of matches. Looking inside, they see there's only one match left. After several unsuccessful attempts, Russell manages to light the match, only for Lumpy to sneeze it out, angering Russell. Next, Lumpy lifts Russell up to the whale's uvula. Russell stabs it and pulls on it with his hook, making the two laugh. This only succeeds in making the whale vomit all over them. Disheartened, Russell and Lumpy find a new hope when they look up and see the whale's blowhole. Russell throws his harpoon towards the blowhole, but unfortunately he misses and the falling object accidentally pierces Lumpy's head, killing him. Russell starts to go insane, and begins using his hook to slash the inside of the whale's stomach. The whale, feeling the pain of Russell's hook, fires Russell out of its blowhole. At first, Russell is still laughing and slashing around like a maniac while in mid-air, but he rejoices upon learning that he's free. Sadly, Russell falls from the sky and his head gets impaled on the mast of a nearby ship. The whale then comes and swallows the ship to add insult to injury.