Episode Title:
Snow What? That's What!.
Episode Description:
Giggles is building a snowman on a snowy day when suddenly, she gets hit on the back of the head by a snowball. She turns around to find Cro-Marmot standing next to her with a stack of snowballs at his side. Giggles says hello to him and decides to play along. She makes a snowball and throws it at Cro-Marmot. Unfortunately, the amount of pressure causes Cro-Marmot to slide down a nearby cliff. Realizing this, Giggles screams in horror and runs down to stop him. Down the cliff, Petunia can be seen making a snow angel, when suddenly, Cro-Marmot slides by and runs over her. This causes Petunia's lower body to rip off (which causes several of her organs to rip off as well), leaving only her upper body intact. Giggles then comes by and quickly runs over her remains. Further down the slope, Lumpy can be seen relaxing on a hammock, apparently getting his holidays mixed up when he's wearing beach attire. Cro-Marmot slides by, and causes his hammock to wrap around him tightly, squeezing out a large quantity of blood. When Giggles passes by, she unravels the hammock and when it opens, a mangled up Lumpy begins to groan in pain. Giggles manages to catch up with Cro-Marmot, and screams in horror when she realizes that Cro-Marmot is heading straight towards a tree. Running at full speed, she moves right in front of Cro-Marmot just before hitting the tree. Giggles gives a big sigh of relief, and laughs it off, when suddenly, some snow falls on top of her nose. She looks up to find icicles about to melt off. Giggles screams, as two average sized icicles impale her eyes, and a third, rather large icicle crushes her entire forehead. As she still stands, Cro-Marmot throws one last snowball at her.