Episode Title:
Nuttin' But the Tooth.
Episode Description:
Nutty is a patient of Toothy the dentist. Toothy is reading a dentistry instruction book prior to performing Nutty's checkup, before ensuring Nutty that the operation will go smoothly (evident when he gives the "Okay" sign). As Nutty's mouth opens wide, Toothy comes across a cavity that needs to be removed, so he tries to drill out the tooth. When Toothy is drilling, the drill's battery goes dead, much to his disappointment. However, Toothy managed to get another battery. Unfortunately, he only succeeds in drilling a hole in the back of Nutty's throat and through the headrest of the chair. Next, Toothy tries the old-fashioned method of tying one end of a string around Nutty's tooth, and the other end to a doorknob. Toothy rings a doorbell on a trailer, and Lumpy answers the door, causing Nutty's jaw to get ripped from his head. Nutty's rotten tooth is one of only a few teeth that aren't torn out. Before the episode ends, however, the rotten tooth falls out on its own, finally completing the operation.