Episode Title:
Spin Fun Knowin' Ya.
Episode Description:
Lumpy is spinning a playground merry-go-round with Cuddles, Toothy and Giggles on it. They tell Lumpy to spin them faster, and Lumpy does so. Suddenly, Toothy flies off, causing him to fly right into a tree, breaking his back. The pole Giggles is holding onto breaks off, causing her to fly right right into a tree stump, slicing her body in half, and the pole she was holding onto impales her chest. Cuddles' hands rip off from his body, causing him to hurl into the right engine of a parked plane, shredding him to bits. As the merry-go-round comes to a complete stop, Lumpy immediately notices Cuddles' severed hands still clutching onto the pole. He whistles and walks away, trying to look innocent.