Episode Title:
This Is Your Knife.
Episode Description:
On a clear, starlit night in the middle of the woods, Cuddles, Giggles, and Flaky are sitting around a campfire, apparently on a camping trip. Cuddles watches the fire, Giggles eats a sandwich, and Flaky roasts marshmallows on a stick. Moments later, Flippy walks by, and the gang greets him. Cuddles then encourages Flippy to take a seat and enjoy the fire. However, the moment Flippy sits down and begins to warm his hands with the fire, some sparks fly out, and nearly hit Flippy. Flippy stares into the fire, and since this bright energy reminds Flippy of the war, Flippy emerges into his evil side, Fliqpy. Seeing Flippy flip out, Cuddles laughs nervously and says hello to Fliqpy again in hopes that he will turn back into Flippy. Unfortunately, Flippy's evil side still remains, Fliqpy jumps through the campfire, and slashes Cuddles' face away with a rock, knocking out two of his teeth as well as one of his eyes. Giggles, who is still eating her sandwich, gets Cuddles' blood splattered all over her body, making her scream in shock. As Cuddles sits on the ground, dead, Fliqpy uses his Bowie knife to cut a large hole on Cuddles' stomach, and pulls out Cuddles' intestines. Fliqpy then uses these intestines to snag Giggles by her neck, and he continuously yanks on the intestines up to the point where Giggles gets strangled to death. Flaky, having witnessed Cuddles and Giggles' deaths, lets out a shriek of panic and takes cover in her sleeping bag. As Flaky hugs her knees in fear inside her sleeping bag, she notices that she is getting lifted into the air. Outside, it turns out that Fliqpy is raising Flaky into the air. Fliqpy lets out an evil chuckle, and tosses Flaky's bag into the campfire. Flaky begins to scream loudly as the fire slowly burns her body. Fliqpy then begins to laugh evilly, just before bringing out some marshmallows on a stick, and holding it over the fire, not caring about Flaky's screams of pain.