Episode Title:
Chip Off the Ol' Block.
Episode Description:
Pop is relaxing on a hammock while Cub is mowing the yard with a lawnmower. Cub unknowingly rides the mower over a brick, making him stop in his tracks. Realizing this, Cub looks under the mower and finds the brick lodged between the blades. Cub then attempts to pull the brick out, even though he forgets to turn the mower off. Luckily, Pop wakes up and witnesses this. Over the fear of his son getting injured, Pop snatches Cub just before something bad could've happened. Pop places Cub on his hammock, and orders him to stay. Pop looks under the mower, and pulls out the brick. Pop then proceeds to mow the rest of the lawn himself, with Cub watching. An oblivious Pop starts pushing the mower right towards pieces of broken glass and syringes that are scattered all over the ground. The mower runs over the sharp objects, and they get flung out of the ejection port at full speed right towards Cub. The sharp objects then pierce Cub all over his body, and is finally killed when a broken bottle flies through his head, taking away a part of his skull, as well as his brain. Cub's now dead body falls right into a nearby pile of leaves, which cover up his entire body. Pop then comes in, raking some leaves with a rake. Stopping for a second, he lights up a match to restart his pipe. Once his pipe is lit once more, he unknowingly throws the still lit match at the leaf pile where Cub fell in, setting it on fire.