Episode Title:
Safety Third - Mister Manners.
Episode Description:
Safety Third: As Dave refuses to buy a reportedly dangerous toy car for Alvin, the latter hijacks Simon's mechanics project for school so that he will build him a replica of the car. Once finished, Alvin steals it, but he quickly ends up destroying it because of his irresponsible driving. Thankfully, Simon's teacher gives him another chance, but to Simon's horror Alvin tries again to talk him into building him another dangerous vehicle, revealing that he ultimately learned nothing from the experience.
Mister Manners: Alvin and Brittany both compete in a contest to meet an English princess. A few days later, the princess's servant meets them to inform them that Alvin won, but just barely. Alvin and Brittany then have to pass a good manners test, culminating with a date together, to determine who is the actual winner. During the date, Brittany makes Alvin's life a living nightmare, which leads him to lose his temper and screw up. Feeling guilty, Brittany talks to the princess's servant and Alvin gets to meet the princess. However, it is revealed that he can bring a guest, so Brittany starts acting nice to him hoping that he will still pick her to go meet the princess...