Episode Title:
Un-send! / The Orb.
Episode Description:
Un-send!: Simon becomes frustrated with his computer lab teacher, Mr. Haywood, and vents his frustrations by typing out a rant-filled email, but when it is accidentally sent out, the Chipmunks attempt to break into the school and hack into Mr. Haywood's computer in order to try and delete the email before he has a chance to read it.
The Orb: Theodore becomes exhausted with the other kids in school constantly asking him for favors, which he cannot say "no" to. To help Theodore stand up for himself and not let the others keep taking advantage of his kindly nature, Simon creates an orb that is identical to the Magic 8-Ball, instructing him to consult with the orb whenever somebody asks him for a favor, as the orb gives him variations on saying "no".