Episode Title:
The Toy / Bloodline.
Episode Description:
The Toy: It's been a year since Theodore lost his favorite toy on a rafting trip, but is surprised to discover a package has arrived with his lost toy inside: a doll of himself he had affectionately named "T2." In the following days to come, Theodore keeps discovering that T2 has moved from wherever he last left him, leading him to believe that T2 is actually alive, and moves on his own whenever nobody is looking. Theodore attempts stake-outs, along with his brothers, to try to catch T2 in the act, only to eventually discover that Jeanette had been the one moving T2 all along; she explains that she found T2, but he was severely damaged, and had the best doll repairman in the world to fix him up. A year later, the repair job had been fixed and T2 returned to Theodore, only for Jeanette to discover the shoe laces were the incorrect color; T2 being moved while nobody was looking was Jeanette attempt to replace the laces before Theodore noticed.
Bloodline: When the boys send Dave's DNA sample to a testing lab the results show he's related to Jack The Ripper. This segment has yet to air in numerous countries and territories - it is quite possible that the subject matter may be deemed too dark for the target audience.