Episode Title:
Dave Rebooted / Germs
Episode Description:
Dave Rebooted:
A car accident results in Dave getting temporary amnesia, of which the doctor orders he take it easy until his memory is fully restored. Deciding to take advantage of this, Alvin talks Dave, Simon, and Theodore to take a vacation up at a ski resort, where they enjoy hitting the slopes, relaxing in the saunas, and Dave even begins a romance with a cute ski instructor. Dave is confused about a series of messages left on his phone by Miss Smith regarding the boys' absence of school, and to compound things, the Chipmunks discover that Miss Smith coicidentally happens to be at the same resort that same weekend. In their attempts to retrieve Dave and flee, another accident results in Dave's memory being restored, but now Alvin has temporary amnesia, which the others use to convince him that he loves to study and wants his own private tutor.
After learning about germs at school, and how harmful they can be, Theodore turns into a paranoid, obsessive-compulsive neat freak, who is determined to make sure his environment is as sparkling clean as possible. He goes to extremes by santizing everything he comes into contact with, and avoids everything that he possibly can where he may come into contact with germs, but as if that is not bad enough, he also orders a protective plastic bubble that he decides to move into and make his new home. That night, the bubble breaks lose from its foundation, and rolls Theodore into a landfill for the rest of the night. Upon returning home the next morning, and realizing that he survived a night at the garbage dump - while also being informed by Simon that not all germs are dangerous, and in fact some of them are good and even beneficial for people's health - Theodore changes his mind about germs and decides that they are not so bad after all.