Episode Title:
Snake Charmer / Blabber Mouth.
Episode Description:
Snake Charmer: Simon is assigned with caring for a snake named Rosie at home for a week, but Dave's fear of snakes presents a dilemma, so Simon creates a robotic clone of Rosie in an attempt to help Dave conquer his fear. It works a little too well, as Dave begins to bond with the robotic Rosie to the point that Simon keeps having to upgrade the programming in order to allow it to achieve whatever Dave thinks he is teaching the snake. The Chipmunks also become upset with Dave for clearly spending so much time bonding with the robotic Rosie that he ends up neglecting them.
Blabber Mouth: Alvin never accepts the responsibility of his shortcomings and misdeeds, instead always blaming them on either of his brothers, which angers them and Dave. Theodore takes Alvin to task for always lying and that he should start telling the truth from now on. After a nightmare, Alvin is convinced that Theodore has cursed him into always telling the truth, which ends up causing all kinds of problems for him, such as revealing details for a surprise party for Miss Miller, and telling other people what he really thinks about them.