Episode Title:
Spoiler-Itis / Something Fishy.
Episode Description:
Spoiler-Itis: His brothers and the Chipettes are annoyed with Alvin always spoiling the new episodes of their favorite show, Alien Cat Invasion, so Alvin agrees to refrain from talking for 24 hours: if he loses, he has to wear Brittany's new t-shirt that has her face emblazoned on it; if he wins, the rest have to carry him around in the hallways and chant "Alvin rules!" After the silent treatment gets him into other trouble throughout the day (including being unable to deliver an oral report), Theodore accidentally erases the DVR recording of the season finale, prompting the others to beg Alvin to tell them what happened in the episode.
Something Fishy: Theodore wins a goldfish at the fair, which he names Henry. The following morning, Alvin and Simon find Henry belly-up in his bowl, and try to bring him back to life before Theodore finds out. When Simon's electro-shock fails to regenerate the fish, Alvin goes back to the fair to try to win another goldfish, while the Chipettes distract him. Alvin fails to win a new goldfish, so Jeanette buys one at the pet store, which Alvin and Simon slips into Henry's bowl without Theodore knowing, but they feel guilty about switching the goldfish behind Theodore's back; eventually, they learn that Theodore knew the difference anyway, because the goldfish that he won at the fair was a plastic toy.