Episode Title:
Logs Day Journey Into Night.
Episode Description:
After the revelation of Titanium Dax's claims of Titanium Rex being a Subtopian spy and the League of Freedom being banned from heroic work for three years, Titanium Rex goes into hiding in the distant valley as a lumberjack under the alias of Jack Lumber. During this time, he comes across his boss Ol' Pappy having problems when a logging mogul named Marcus Rector buys up half the valley. Now Titanium Rex must find a way to help Ol' Pappy against Marcus Rector and his sons Elton Rector and Billy Joel Rector. Meanwhile, the other League of Freedom members haven't been seen by Sgt. Agony for months and Robobot during his work as an data entry worker at the Seismology Institute works to find them upon detecting other Subtopian activities. Robobot finds American Ranger drinking his problems away at a karaoke bar, finds that Cooch has moved into the pound upon finding nowhere else to go and is nearly euthanized, finds Courtney working as a hotel valet, finds Black Saturn having moved back in with his parents while playing internet checkers, and calls in Portia to get them motivated. Afterwards, the League of Freedom finds the Injustice Club's hideout and persuades them to help against the upcoming Subtopian invasion. When asked for the Anti-Magno Rod that was stolen from SuperMansion, Lex goes to obtain it only to find that Dr. Devizo had swiped it much to her anger. After Titanium Rex drives away the Rectors following the lumberjack contest, he is confronted by Dr. Devizo who uses the Anti-Magno Rod on him. At the same time, Sgt. Agony is warning the President of another Subtopian beacon when a female Subtopian arrives and frees Titanium Dax in order to start the Subtopian invasion.