Episode Title:
Babes in the Wood.
Episode Description:
The League of Freedom goes on vacation in the woods and Lex tells her father to tell the truth to American Ranger about his affair with Gloria. While fishing, Ranger tells Rex how difficult it is to be married to Gloria now that she is an old woman and that he wants to live his life. Rex tells the truth and Ranger is angry that Rex not only had an affair with his wife but continued even after he was found out, so they end their friendship. Lex wants to have sex with Black Saturn who brought his family butler Bunsen along, but he refuses because he is scared of being caught by Rex and what he may do. Eventually, Saturn agrees to have sex with Lex but they are caught by Rex and Saturn runs away naked. A man named Cleb who was injured by Rex for flirting with Lex gets the League to surrender as he and his friends have shotguns. Rex agrees to embarrass himself to let the League go but Ranger saves the day with some help from Bunsen. While he and Rex are no longer friends, Ranger respects him as a leader. However, he starts to figure out that Rex had sex with his mother.