Episode Title:
Let's Talk About Rex.
Episode Description:
While waiting for his medicine prescription, Rex flashes back to when he left Subtopia and arrived on the surface of Earth. Rex throws out his back while fighting the intergalactic villain Blazar. A clip of the abortive battle goes viral and leads to speculation that Rex is too old to lead the League. Jewbot tries to help Rex craft a younger image. Rex decides to debut his younger look and attitude on a talk show, but things go south when he insults Blazar and accidentally puts the host in a coma. American Ranger constantly brings up the subject of whether Rex should retire after the incident, but other members keep changing the subject, with Black Saturn particularly obsessed with who ate his burrito but eventually the League decides to have a secret election and place the ballots in a folder. After finding the folder, Rex decides to return to his home of Subtopia and never come back. Blazar finds out Rex insulted him on television and attacks the League. Rex opens the folder and finds out no one wants him to leave, so he comes back and stops Blazar by pretending to surrender but then detonating a bomb he had installed on Blazar's space bike and then beating him up with a pipe. That incident also goes viral and makes people forget about the previous battle.