Episode Title:
I Don't Even Have to Use My J.K.
Episode Description:
Buying a former pizza restaurant that housed a missile silo underneath which is also next door to an Arby's, Dr. Devizo and Lex Lightning form the Injustice Club with Blue Menace, Groaner, Buster Nut, Chet's evolved form, Blazar's monkey form, Robo-Dino, and Johnny Rabdo as its members. When actor J.K. Simmons expresses interest in playing Titanium Rex in a movie, the League of Freedom invites him to the SuperMansion and Rex is starstruck. Lex and the villains regroup in their lair as Dr. Devizo reveals that J.K. Simmons’ visit to the SuperMansion plays right into his sinister plan to obtain the Anti-Magno Rod.