Episode Title:
The Inconceivable Escape of Dr. Devizo.
Episode Description:
Rex wants the League to be careful of Dr. Devizo who intends to break out of SuperMansion's prison on the anniversary of his incarceration. Dr. Devizo and Rex talk in the cell and Dr. Devizo reveals that he was a member of the League, but became evil after finding out Rex had had an affair with his wife. After realizing Ranger, now in the same situation, could also turn to evil, Rex leaves to find him and Devizo hatches his escape. Ranger, taking a cue from the movie Hall Pass, seeks to have a one night stand to get revenge on his wife for having the affair with Rex. Ranger finds a girl but when they reach her apartment Rex arrives with Gloria. Rex and Gloria apologize and acknowledges that Ranger is trying hard to maintain his marriage to Gloria and she says she understands if he wants to end it, but they reconcile and Gloria agrees to try. Devizo almost escapes because of the other League members' incompetence, but is finally brought to heel by Lex, whom Rex had earlier forbidden to participate. The event garners headlines for Lex.