Episode Title:
Bootsie's Day Out / Trouble at Tony's
Episode Description:
"Bootsie's Day Out": Peter works on a way to get Bootsie home after a trip to the vet as he shows Gwen and Miles how he trained Bootsie to walk on a leash. When that fails, Peter works on making a cat carrier for Bootsie. During this time, Bootsie runs off and gets used in Black Cat's latest theft of shiny objects. Now Team Spidey must work to reclaim Bootsie and thwart Black Cat's heists.
"Trouble at Tony's": Team Spidey arrives at Tony Stark's apartment where he shows off its different gadgets there. But his main gadgets that he has been developing are gauntlets that can shoot either fire, water, or electricity. Electro hears about the electricity gauntlet and wants to steal it. To lure Iron Man away, Electro does a prank call by posing as a representative of the Mayor of Manhattan's office stating that she urgently wants to see Tony. While Tony is away, Team Spidey is left to keep Electro from getting the electricity gauntlet.