Episode Title:
Pirate Plunder Blunder / Bad Bot
Episode Description:
"Pirate Plunder Blunder": Aunt May brings Peter, Gwen, and Miles to a pirate ship called the Magnificent Muttonchop owned by Web Beard the Pirate where Mr. Von Carnegie has it as an outdoor exhibit. Green Goblin poses as a Pirate Captain to sell his special Pirate Hats that causes anyone wearing it to be Pirates that obey his every command where he has them plunder the pier as the Magnificent Muttonchop is commandeered for a trip to Goblin Island. Now Team Spidey must free the mind-controlled people and defeat Green Goblin.
"Bad Bot": Team Spidey puts TRACE-E through an obstacle course to improve its training. When TRACE-E completes the training, WEB-STER informs Team Spidey of something big running through Central Park. They find a giant robot rampaging through Central Park as part of Doc Ock and CAL's plot to switch TRACE-E with an evil duplicate as part of her plan to lure them into a trap. Once that is done, Doc Ock traps them in a laser cage and has Fake TRACE-E guard them so that she can take over the city. Now TRACE-E must break free in order to rescue Team Spidey and defeat Doc Ock and Fake TRACE-E.