Episode Title:
Super Scooter / The Lost Web Shooter
Episode Description:
Super Scooter: As Team Spidey uses their vehicles to get to Hulk's hangout, they meet with Hulk, Iron Man, Black Panther, and Ms. Marvel. Their time together is interrupted by Doc Ock's transmission, where she has dispatched Electro to steal the Arc Reactor from Iron Man's car so that she can make use of it in her invention. With Black Panther going after a thrown out TV in his Panther Patroller, and both Hulk and Iron Man completely sidelined for their respectful reasons, everyone else pursues Electro, who is aided by Rhino and Green Goblin, the latter of whom incapacitates Spidey and Spin. Now Ghost-Spider and Ms. Marvel are left to thwart Doc Ock and Green Goblin and the transformed lighthouse of Goblin Island.
The Lost Web Shooter: Spidey finds Doc Ock robbing an armored car. Upon pursuing her to the park, their tug of war over the money bags causes Spidey to lose one his web shooters. Spidey contacts TRACE-E, TWIRL-E, and TWIST-E and asks them to look for his missing web shooter while he goes to help Aunt May in the garden. Doc Ock dispatches CAL to get the money bag she hid in the tree. The web shooter is found by two kids named Will and Lizzy as they use it to help people. CAL finds the kids with the web shooter causing Doc Ock to go after the web shooter. Peter is informed of what happened and tells TRACE-E to stall CAL until he arrives so that he can reclaim his web shooter and defeat Doc Ock and CAL.