Episode Title:
Clean Power / Doc Ock & The Rocktobots
Episode Description:
"Clean Power": George and Helen Stacy have established a wind turbine to help power up the amusement park as he explains how it works to Peter, Miles, and Gwen. When it is activated, Electro crashes the event and steals all the energy from the amusement park. Team Spidey find that Electro has hooked up a cable to the wind turbine and follow it underwater to a cave that leads to Goblin Island which she renamed Electro Island as she makes use of the wind turbine's energy.
"Doc Ock & The Rocktobots": Team Spidey has been asked to perform at the children's concert in Central Park where toys are being donated. The upcoming event is delayed due to Doc Ock crashing the promotion stating that she has put together a band called Doc Ock & The Rocktobots. She plans to use this performance to steal all the toys. After different delays, Team Spidey make their way to the concert where they find that Green Goblin, Electro, and Rhino are part of Doc Ock & The Rocktobots. Now Team Spidey must thwart Doc Ock & The Rocktobots and save the concert.